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Personal Development

About Us

Woman Working on Laptop

Samantha McLean is a licensed provider of Springboard programmes. These personal developmental courses were created for women and they embrace a more holistic approach to career, relationships and wellbeing. Springboard has a 30-year pedigree of exceptional delivery in this field and an international reputation of supporting women across 48 countries with developmental material in 11 different languages.


Those who have participated have reported the following results:


80.5% stated that they had increased self-esteem and confidence

75% believed that their relationships had improved by 75%

80% stated that they were more open and embracing of change and,

83.5% that they had a more positive attitude.


Contact for more information


Online Meeting

Other Personal Development Areas

Holding and Managing Difficult Conversations
Together at the Top
Being Resilient
Stressed Woman
Coping with Compassion Fatigue
Managing Stress
Holding Hands
Supporting your Team with their Mental Health
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